32 bit board and bluetooth APP does not work
  • I have a 32 bit board with an HC-05 device to be used as a bluetooth port
    downloades yesterday last very last android APP
    if I pair the phone with the HC-05 it works and the flashing led change state (from fast to slow blinking)
    if i try to do this with the app i see the tick close to the device in the butooth label but nothing work, and i can't do anything as they are not paired
    any suggestion?
    thank you in advance
  • Hello,
    Try connect board to PC via Bluetooth adapter and check port speed.
  • Yes I will check but which is the correct speed?
  • 115200, even parity unless using newer software then even or none will work.
  • i have done all the test
    i have bought an USB to Serial interface, and connected with a terminal
    AT commands works without problems
    set speed with AT+UART=115200,1,0 or AT+UART=115200,1,1

    but no changes
    if I pair with the phone, it works and led change status

    as fast as I launch the SimpleBGC android APP led starts again to flash faster and no way to connect

    quite frustrating huh

    ty to all which will support me