Virtual channels assignment
  • Hello everybody... I have a Frsky Taranis, 16 channels and an X8R receiver, I would like to connect to my alexmos 3 axis controller with a single wire, the receiver is sbus and i'll use an sbus to ppm converter connected to rx roll pins.
    Now i would like to use 3 of the higher channels, say 14, 15 and 16 to control pan, tilt and yaw... how can i assign these channels in the GUI? As far as i see, virtual channels go from 1 to 7, but i'm not sure if i understand these virtual channels right... can somebody explain this and give me a solution to use other channels from the rx?
    Take in consideration that i'm using a pixhawk flight controller, that takes the first 8 channels for control, so i cannot use channels 1-7 for the alexmos board.
    Thank you in advance for any help received.
  • What board do you have? the 32 bit boards support SBUS directly and you can assign the virtual channels as you like. I am using 10 and 11 and works fine.
  • I have the 8bit board, so ppm conversion is necessary....
    How did you assign channel 10 and 11 to the virtual channels in the GUI?
  • Just selecting RC_pin mode Sum-ppm and then assigning the channels as needed.

    How ever I think Sum-PPM only supports channels 1 to 7 (at least FW 2.3, I am not sure of 2.4 FW for 8 bit. 2.42b6 for 32 bit seems to support channels 1 to 8 for Sum-PPM.). SBUS supports more, but SBUS is only supported by 32 bit boards
  • So you confirm me that virtual channels 1-7 correspond to receiver channels 1-7? I thought that "virtual" meant that it would have been possible to assign any channel coming from the receiver to the board inputs.
    But then isn't it stupid to be able to assign only the first 7 channels, that are always used for throttle, elevator etc.?
  • Moreover, if with 32 bit board you can assign channels 1-8 with sbus, how did you make it to use channels 10 and 11?
    Thank you for you help anyway...
  • I am using SBUS. For SBUS there is upto 32 virtual channels available.

    Now when I powered the 32 bit board it actually shows 32 bit virtual channels is I select SUM-PPM, but I think this is a bug. It shows only 8 channels for Sum-PPM when just the GUI is started.

    PPM normally supports only 8 channels, are you sure your converter is supporting more than 8 channels?

    I am using both Fluduino and SimpleBGC 32-bit boards with latest FW.

    Meybe if you could trick the converter you are using to convert SBUS channels 9 to 17 to Sum-PPM channels 1 to 8, that would solve your problem.

    Updating to 32 board would also solve the problem and no converter would be needed.

    Also using Futaba SBD-1 converter and programmer solves the problem, I used this with 8 bit boards, it provides 3 PWM output that can be configured to any SBUS channels. (But it is expensive for what it is.)

    The virtual channels are the actual SBUS or Sum-PPM channels.
  • I'm using a Frsky sbus to ppm decoder, I'm not sure how many channels it actually converts because till now i used it only to send ppm signal to APM flight controller, so even if it converts only the first 8 channels in this scenario it works (i can get channels 9-16 as PWM out of the receiver connectors). There isn't a real problem because i also have Frsky sbus to PWM converters, and that works, but to save weight and space i would have preferred to have only one wire to go to the gbc board. Would have liked the 32 bit board for this, but i'll be happy with my 8 bit board and will use the sbus to pwm converter.
    Again, thank you for your help.
  • ...i have the same problem!

    I use the system JetiModel 16 channels.
    I also use 32 bit board. Last firmware 2.42b6
    I tested the Sum-PPM signal and really only works from 1-8 channel

    I am disappointed:-(
    I need to use from 10 to 13 channels for gimbal :-(

    Why not set the board on higher channels?
    This is a mistake on the board?
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