Impossible upgrade - GUI disconnect alone
  • Hi Alex, hi everybody,
    Since one week, i try to upgrade my card ( 2.40 b8 ) to 2.41 b5 version. I saw that it works only with Windows.
    I tried with a PC and Windows 8, connected by USB. I made the good procedure, the GUI recognize the serial number, show the last version of firmware, but when i clic "Upgrade" the card disconnect and can't reconnect.
    In fact i tried with MAC and Linux too, each time it's the same, the card disconnect alone when i try to upgrade. I tried to do it manually and to upgrade manually, it's the same. If i try to do the procedure to recover with a jumper on flash pins, the card don't connect when i clic "Upgrade" and it fails.

    I really think the problem is the card because, for example, i plug the card with USB cable, i open GUI, i choose the USB com and i can connect to the card, but if i unplug the USB cable, and if i replug it, when i try to connect in GUI, it don't find the card and not connect.

    The same if for example, i plug the card to USB, i open GUI, i choose the USB com and i can connect to the card, but if, in GUI i disconnect the card and i try to connect again, it don't find the card. If i want to connect again, i must close GUI and open again with the USB cable plugged before. Incredible for a card that cost 180$. My card is a Iflight card

    Alex, please, if you know this problem, tell me, or what do you think about this Iflight card ?
  • Nobody can say me if this card seems have a problem or not ?
  • Hi Alex,
    i tried all that you explained me. I had tried before, i tried again, but it don't connect again, he can't.
    I bought it to a seller how sell Iflight control card on Aliexpress website. It's an official Iflight card with serial number, 2 imu and aluminum covers. I return the card to the seller. I will buy a card here in France.
  • Hi Alex, i bought an another card here in France, an official DYS card ( 2.41b4 version ) and i want to upgrade to 2.42b6. It's exaxtly the same problem. At the step 3 the card can't connect again, and writing can't do. It disconect and the led on the card get only red.
    I use windows XP pro (SP) with 12 Go ram and big processor.

    I don't understand where do you find the downloaded firmware. I'm sorry, i don't have this file and i don't know where can i download it.
    Thanks to help me.
  • Hi Alex,
    i have a Bluetooth USB key connected to the computer and the bluetooth module connected to the card, i connected it, it's ok, it's reconnized perfectly and works to tune the card.
    I tryed to upgrade by bluetooth module but it do exactly the same than with USB. Incredible !
    look at the error message:

    Signing request..
    Entering boot mode...
    Disconnecting port...
    Downloading firmware...
    Downloading firmware...
    Writing data into file "C:\Documents and Settings\seb tillet\Mes documents\SimpleBGC_GUI_2_42b6\tmp\firmware.20140819185302.hex"...
    Firmware is downloaded: 209080 bytes
    Writing firmware...
    Writing firmware...
    Opening Port [OK]
    Activating device [KO]
    Unrecognized device... Please, reset your device then try again
    Process finished.

    The worst is that when i look for after in TMP, there is not the firmware file, and it's not in all others places.
    I tried with 3 differents port com of the computer, it's the same !!
  • Same problem here... have you found any solution?
  • Same issue here... any resolution?
  • Same problem over here... if I try to connect after updating the board starts beeping, ist recognizes V3 board but FW: 0.00b0 -
    any help is very welcome!
  • the same problem after upgraiding to 2.42 b7, it shows V3 Firmware 0.00b0