Joystick causing drift?
  • When I enable my analog joystick for the pitch function, I notice a slight drift. I go into the realtime data feed and noticed that the RC_ROLL is hovering around 1480 rather than in the middle at 1500. Does this signify the joystick is causing the drift? Is there anyway to calibrate the joystick or is it just a bogus one?
  • Figured out my own question. There is the trim function under the Advanced tab that helped to stabilize the controls out. Thanks!
  • Hi Mediabrewer, how did you set the trim values?

    I have the same issue, with RC_PITCH measuring c.a. 1420 rather than 1500. Do I have to input:
    a) 80
    b) -80
    c) 1420
    in the "Pitch trim" field?

    When I use the "auto" function to determine the trim values, it sets a value around 1100. But if I try to input a number manually, it doesn't go higher than 127. I'm a bit lost...

    Thank you in advance.