• Some things I hope would be differently, better explained etc. presented in very direct manner, not to be rude, but I hope this great product would be even better, especially when it comes to tuning and understanding its functionality and how different parameters affect it. (note: these comments apply for SimpleBGC_GUI.jar)

    1. GUI profile: it is very confusing what profile parameters are being adjusted. I really hope the active profile on controller would be automatically visible.

    2. GUI profile: I hope there would be camera above the profile, i.e. to be able easily to load profiles for a different camera and lens.

    3. GUI Basic: Please explain the PID parameters better, both on user manual and GUI. On User manual provide a practical exactable of basic tuning. Especially "I" is very confusing, sometimes it is controlling the RC speed, sometimes tuned until vibrating etc. does it have different functionality in different modes?

    4. GUI Basic: Limit acceleration could be under RC settings.

    5. GUI Basic/ CALIB.ACC, I really would hope this would be on some maintenance menu that possibly would not even be available to normal user. Now it is a time consuming task to perform the 6-axis calibration and for example a customer who has rented the gimbal could completely mesh the gimbal operation just by pressing this button. This applies also for INVERT and NUM.POLES.

    6. GUI Basic/Advanced/RC Settings: It would be good to have a separate tab for FC related stuff.

    7. GUI RC Settings: Follow mode has its own Speed settings; it should also have its own min.angle and max.angle settings.

    8. GUI RC Settings: What is the purpose of Mix channels? User manual explains RC Mix?

    9. GUI RC Settings: Would be nice to have at least 2 channels for CMD. Simple solution could be to add ‘Toggle button’ to the CMD selection list, that would act exactly as the controller hardwired button. I use Sum-PPM connected controller also handheld. Previously I used Serial interface, but seems not to be available any more.

    10. GUI Follow mode: Please copy the User manual explanations for ‘Deadband, degrees’ Now it is confusing.

    11. GUI Follow mode: Please provide some way to correct Roll and Pitch errors if Follow mode is disabled. Now I have constant 4 degree error on roll when Follow mode is disabled. (GUI shows 4.18 degrees and gimbal is this much off. On Follow mode it is perfectly leveled.)

    12. GUI Follow mode: Revise OFFSET explanation to mention Estimate frame angles from motors.

    13. GUI Follow mode: should not have mixed tuning with RC settings is it now only Min and Max values?

    14. Is Serial protocol removed from 2.4? this is 4th time I am asking this on these forums and would appreciate an answer.
  • 9. to add, A CMD controlled Motor off mode that return to Motor on when a different mode is selected would be good.

    11. was solved http://forum.basecamelectronics.com/index.php?p=/discussion/652/fw-2-4-roll#Item_3 but it could be good to have possibility to set/zero this also on GUI directly.

    14. Serial API is available http://forum.basecamelectronics.com/index.php?p=/discussion/652/fw-2-4-roll#Item_3 I need to see why it is not functioning on my setup after updating to 2.4. (Bluetooth works ok when I connect it, so it is not the HW interface that is failing.)

    15. Is 'Estimate frame angles from motors' used when FC_ROLL and FC_PITCH are used. With FC I get better return after disturbance performance, but 'Estimate frame angles from motors' seems to perform otherwise better and also above 80 degrees. This is very impressive. These two combined could be even better. (I have a second IMU connected trough Sum-PPM/FC on a handheld gimbal)

    16. Joystick operation on Follow mode Yaw control changes to Roll control when tilted 90 degrees up. (when reference is the frame) Sometimes this can be good, but would good also have the possibility to select it so that Yaw axis control always controls the Yaw axis and Roll axis control always controls the Roll axis.
  • 1. kind of ok when using the routine always pressing read before doing any modifications. Read gets the curet Profile.

    16. this comment apply also to Follow mode, when tilting fully up, follow yaw transfers to follow roll, when the reference is the gimbal. this is quite easy to learn, but could be good to have mode where gimbal just simply follows the gimbal Yaw axis movements.

    17. GUI RC Settings: LPF value zero can be written, but when read back it seems value 3 is the minimum accepted value.