Bug with RC on 2.56b9 firmware
  • Hi.
    I've got a problem with RC on last 2.56b9 firmware.
    After I switch CMD channel to "Home position" I can't control Pitch and Yaw by RC. Before switching to CMD channel everything worked good.
    Repairing by restart controller.
    So, I can control Pitch and Yaw axes only in case I do not touch CMD switcher. If I turn it to "Home position" (or "Look down") I can't control Pitch and Yaw by RC.
    In "Home position" I switch briefly, then change CMD back to "No action".
    After comeback to 2.50b2 firmware everything works well.
  • Hi,
    Please send me your profile. And clarify the following:

    1. Do you have encoder on YAW axis?
    2. Do you have 2nd IMU "Above YAW" or "Below YAW"?
    3. Does "Look down" command has the same problems?
    4. Is "Follow mode" enabled or not?
  • I made several tests trying to reproduce this bug, but all works fine. It seems that there is a certain conditions when this bug is appear. Please try to change other parameters to find a relationship.
  • Hi,
    1. No
    2. Yes, Above YAW
    3. Yes
    4. No
    How I can send you the profile? Please write a e-mail
    P.S. can I write russian?
  • The problem is too low value for RC speed. Fix will be issued with the next release. Currently, setting RC SPEED=15 solves that problem.