Shaking/ weird movements
  • Hi,
    my gimbal starts shaking and does weird movements. Got no idea whats the reason.
    Hope somebopdy could help me!

  • Try holding it in hand, does it do the same? looks like feedback from the stand.

    When tuning, hold in hand.
  • It does the same when holding in Hand. As you see in the video the camera slowly moves up and down. I have no solution for it....
  • To calibrate the axis i fixed the IMU on a table, but in the Software I can see that the 3 axis are always moving.... any ideas?
  • hello,
    could be your IMU is broken or noise I2C any I2C errors?
    also see this happen when the gimbal is not asembled ridged enoufg
  • You need more Power for the motors !
    50 is to low.
    I think you have to start from 160 or more.

    And it's better to do a Auto check (see Motor configuration).
    Keep in mind to check the motor poles, this go's sometimes wrong during a Auto check !
  • Hello,
    Check your gimbal for gaps in the joints. Also increase hardness of your gimbal.
    As see on second video, you need better calibrate Gyro and Acc. For example, try calibrate Acc by six positions.