Yaw axis going crazy
  • I have an issue with the yaw axis. No matter what I try it does not work.

    The motor has been replaced and the controller has been replaced. The same problem persists. This is on a Came-7500

    I am guessing the board must be bad.

    Check out the video...

  • Your PID settings are really low and power high. what voltage are you using, can the motor take the full power without heating?

    have you performed the motor configuration Auto, it is necessary to do the get the correct motor inverted status.

  • I have configured the motors. The settings are what was recommended by the manufacturer Came.tv

    I have auto calibrated the PID and had worse results.

    Trying everything, but it is not working
  • It is important that you actually perform the motor configuration Auto, not just insert the manufactures values for the inverted status. (for poles you should insert the correct values after auto)

    Try auto tuning the PID one axis at time starting from Pitch, holding the gimbal at hand and using 1/4 up from better stability setting.

    Also insert the upper support for the camera flash shoe it will make it much better, though probably is not the reason for Yaw problems.

    How does the yaw work if you actually hold the gimbal?

    Do you have latest FW, some of the older FW had problems with estimate angles from motors.