I briked my brand new SBGCv3.0 alexmos 32bit DISCO PARTY EFFECT !
  • helo.
    board worked but I updated to latest firmware and something went wrong.
    board serial 01232c270173b797ee --- its a normal 32bit version (not fake)
    I tried contact seller no answer. look at forums nothing similar.
    when I connect the board red light constant and green blinks 6-7 times and beeps 6-7 times also(super fast). then it gets constant green light to.

    ok so I connect the GUI v2.43 b9 (same version as firmware)on a mac
    click on connect to the tti.slav_usb.. or cu.slav_usb... (don´t know the difference yet) hit connect and disco party starts red light constant and green blinking with beep sound
    so ...
    installed firmware via GUI on manual mode with flash jumper and without flash jumper
    says instal successful.
    when hit connect party never ends

    only difference its when y connect the board with the jumper closed its only red light I insta firmware open the jumper and connect same thing

    I follow the instructions ass the manual

    also tied to connect and even with the noise and beeps y erased EEPROM . but nothing change

    help please something i must had made wrong.

  • It could be simply broken

    It could also be some of the alarms, if you get the GUI connected verify the alarms, voltage calibration first.
  • here is what happens to me

    Press "FLASH" button and wait for process to be finished.
    Open (remove) FLASH jumper.
    (when the process finish successful same problem both lights on green and red constant)
    if I try to flash without jumper again enable to connect to bootloader !!
    if I hit connect disco starts
  • thanks for the answer I tried to look on the manual for the alarms , voltage calibrations.. no info