BlueTooth Card Problem! Please Help!
  • I bought HC-06 BlueTooth card and connect my 32 bit alexmos card I connected (volt to volt, GND to GND, RX To TX, TX to RX) all done but I can not any transfer my pc to my Alexmos card I used windows 8 and I setup 115200 to my bluetooth card I can not connected my bluetooth card and I can not transfer anything. How can I solve this problem?
    Please Help Me....
  • hello,
    did you configure the card
    have you set name, mode, baud rate of the Bluetooth card before attach to BGC board?
  • hello,
    yes I configure board
    my bluetooth card name is HC-06
    baud rate is 115200
    mode is outgoing
    I connected my bluetooth card from pc but I can not transfer anything...
    please help me!
    best regards!