Blown Capacitor on 32 bit IMU
  • Hi everyone,

    I recently began the setup of my 32 bit, 3 axis controller (http://www.basecamelectronics.com/simplebgc32bit/), and when I plugged in my BGC through USB to the computer, with both IMUs plugged in through the Y-splitter, one of the IMUs had a capacitor blow (the tantalum 10uF SMD). I replaced the capacitor thinking it may have been faulty, but when I initiate the BGC again through USB the same capacitor blows.

    I have continuity tested the I2C buses and Y-splitter, tested the USB voltages, and tried the IMUs plugged in through both ends of the Y - all are fine. At this stage I have replaced the IMU's capacitor 3 times, and each time it has blown again, and I get a power surge detected through my USB port on my computer when it happens. Does anyone know what might be causing this? I feel like I may have a faulty IMU.

    If there is a schematic of the 32 bit IMU I would appreciate that too, since I have not been able to find one, and I may get more insight into where the fault may be.

  • UPDATE: so after re-checking the Y-connector, I realised that one of the three I2C cables was incorrectly terminated, with the power and ground wires switched. This is not something I would normally check, but I certainly will form now on. I will be contacting the supplier to try to organize replacement parts since it was their fault.

    TL;DR - the supplied I2C cable was terminated wrongly so to short circuit the IMU