Disabling "YAW" axis stabilization in dual axis Gimbal.
  • Hello! I made a two-axis Gimbal based on BaseCam SimpleBGC 32-bit Tiny Rev. C (firmware version v.2.70 b0). I use the IMU built into the controller for stabilization, there is no IMU on the drone frame. The controller is located directly on the camera. The actual axis order is "Camera-ROLL-PITCH". The motors used are T-Motor GB36-1. RC (PWM) control of the "PITCH" axis only.


    I have encountered the following problem, that the "ROLL" axis stabilization motor automatically starts stabilizing the "YAW" axis when the camera is positioned with the lens down. Within my two axis Gimbal this is not acceptable, as the camera cannot remain stationary relative to the rotation (turns) of the drone. What I need to achieve is that when the camera is positioned with the lens down, the Gimbal continues to stabilize only the "PITCH" axis and the "ROLL" motor must be fixed in one position.
    No manipulation in the "Stabilization" tab in the "Axes to stabilize for 1- or 2-axes systems" window produced the desired result.

    Now I use the following not very elegant solution in the "Adjustable Variables" tab. In the "Mapping of trigger-type controls" window I set the trigger by the PWM input signal. When the input signal level reaches the corresponding camera tilt angle of about 60° down, relative to the base position, the controller switches from profile 1 to profile 2. Profile 1 and Profile 2 have identical Gimbal settings except for the PID settings of the "ROLL" axis controller. In profile 2, all "ROLL" axis controller PID settings are set to 0. With these PID values the "ROLL" axis cannot be stabilized and the motor rotor is fixed against the nearest stator winding. In this case the camera is not fixed at right angles, which is annoying! When the input signal level decreases and the tilt angle decreases accordingly relative to the base position, the controller automatically switches back from profile 2 to profile 1 and starts stabilizing the "ROLL" axis again.

    I am sure that there must be a more adequate solution to this problem in my Gimbal design. Please tell me what to do!

    Also I want to move the controller to the frame in the next version of the Gimbal and install an external IMU on the camera (as the main IMU). Can this be used to solve the above problem? Enable "Follow mode" or something like that....?