Howto: raw data for Roll, Pitch and Yaw from 2x IMU?
  • This topic is not about GUI, BT, android, input, mixing....

    How can I get current raw data for Roll Pitch and Yaw from frame and camera IMU?

    idea is: to feed into microcontroller in flight.

    I understand this data is sent over uart pins, but is there a (open source?) program to read it?
    or would one have to reverse engineer?


  • It is all documented, look into Manuals, serial API
  • Garug,

    I already read Manual serial API, if what I ask is possible, I did not understand how:

    how can I access the serial API using C to read for example current camera Roll?

    from the Manual I do not understand this is possible, I understand that android app or desktop GUI do this.
  • I have not used the serial API for long time, so I can not help more on how, but I would look into CMD_GET_ANGLES_EXT etc. I am pretty sure all the angles are available.
  • Garup,

    sorry, misunderstood your directions: https://www.basecamelectronics.com/serialapi/
