Headtracker gain too high
  • Im using a trinity headtracker with the angle setting in 2.40b7 and when i tilt the head tracker just a little the desired location indicator spins around the dial a 45 degree move on the headtracker may show a 6-7 complete revolutions on the dial. how do I fix this? under the real time data the RC_PITCH/yaw etc go from 0-2000.
  • Which indicator are you looking at? The arrow or the dot? The arrow is the actual indication and the red dot is the higher resolution indicator to show finer movements.
  • blonde moment I guess the gimbal still seems to greatly overshoot
  • red dot and arrow stay together so that doesnt solve it either everything seems to be about 2:1 ratio
  • What does the realtime tab show for the head tracker input? Can you adjust the output sensitivity of the head tracker? Maybe limiting the min and max rc angles on board would help, I have not tested this, but hopefully it scales the available input to the hole range.