Suggestion of "Yaw follow" in 32bit BGC
  • Today I have tired the new firmware 2.41b4. There is a problem.
    I found the "Yaw follow" is very slowly back to the center position and the angle of backing to the middle position is too big.
    So, I think the two functions is really necessary, just as follow:
    (1) Angle range limit of Yaw follow.
    (2) The speed of Yaw follow control. (Because sometime we need some quick follow )

    Or,is there some method to solve my problem?

  • If I increase the value of "I", the Yaw channel become unstable.
  • The follow speed has been scaled down on 2.41b4. It need to be raised of what you previously have used.
  • Yes, I have read the instruction said "Follow speed rate is decreased 4x times, range is increased to 0..255..."
    But, how to increase speed and reduce the reaction angle of "Yaw follow "?


  • Follow Dead band and expo curve, but that will affect all axis that have follow activated.
  • "Follow Dead band" is not the reaction angle of "Yaw follow ", it's the rotation of an outer frame does not affect the camera.
    For example, If I turn left a little quick, the camera is toward right, the reaction of the camera come back to the left is very slow, at the same time , the angle between the head and camera is a very large.
    When I stopped rotating , the camera will slowly move to the direction that I need.
    Maybe I can call it the Yaw response time is slow.
  • I do not really understand how it is working for you and what is the problem. A video would help. For me it is working ok.