Angle definitions
  • Hello, I am wondering what is the precise definition of the angles returned by CMD_GET_ANGLES. I assume they are the euler angles, but are they intrinsic or extrinsic? I would like to be able to compute the rotation matrix that belongs to the current gimbal attitude (in my case the mechanical axis order is CAM-PITCH-ROLL.
  • Hello,

    They are Euler angle in order defined in the "RC" tab, "Euler order". The default is "Pitch - Roll -Yaw" counting from the camera.

    You can use them to compute rotation matrix for attitude, but it is better to request it directly from the gimbal in the CMD_AHRS_HELPER command. Note, that data is in the END system, in opposite to the commonly used NED system. The latest Serial API manual gives necessary notes on coordinate system that is used.

    Regards, Aleksey.