"Frame upside-down-auto-detection" produced a serious error.
  • After calibrating the new software version 2.44b3, activate the "Frame upside-down-auto-detection". It worked perfect, until the other day lit the gimbal and began to spin out of control. Several minutes later and calibrate all, I meet the surprise that has been invested sensors. The "camera IMU" I sensed as "FRAME IMU" and the "Frame IMU" it detected as "Camera IMU". Do not know how this function was reversed. I could not change it and delete the "EEprom" and returned to preedeterminados values, and yet was still the same. Disconnect the second sensor, "FRAME" and recently there the problerma was solved.
    It is obvious that if you work in a day of shooting, you're screwed.
    Disable function: "Frame upside-down-auto-detection" at the moment is the solution.

  • Hi,

    In 2.44b3 there is a new option "Swap frame and main sensors". Check that you didn't enable it by mistake.

    I can't reproduce this error. Please say exact versions of firmware and GUI and provide a profile with your setting, if this bug is stable in your setup. Pls send all to info@basecamelectronics.com

    Regards, Aleksey Moskalenko
  • ok, I'll discuss more and then expand on my comment.
    This all updated, the gui, software, etc ..