• i am still struggling with drifting problems. When i pitch up or down Roll and yaw is moving slightly although there is only RC Pitch Input.
    I did 6 Point calibration serveral times. no help
    I tried to align Motor Axis as good as possible but i have no idea how accurate it has to be? no help
    I aliged Sensor as accurate i could (don't know how accurate it has to be) no help

    What else can i do? How can i check?
    Because there is still something wrong i am sure this has also negative effects on stabilisation.
    If its only the aligning of IMU but has to be really precise a IMU Position OFFSet Calculation in the GUI would be really great for further software releases?!
  • Hello, try connect YAW motor to ROLL or PITCH pins and assign this pins as YAW in the GUI.
  • is this a backdoor?
  • Hello, no, its will help find out problem in hardware.
  • hi I have same problem. Nothing works....It looks like I made a bad decision on buying a basecam instead of a ready to use gimbal...

  • Hello, where did you get that board?