About "UART2_opt" of "Simple BGC 32-bit Extended 1.10"
  • I have two questions about "UART2_opt" in "Simple BGC 32bit Extended 1.10".

    1) What should I buy for the connector? Molex Nano-Fit?

    2) Can I continue to use TX / RX with the roll encoder?

    Thank you very much.
  • I got the answer of 1, so I will write it.
    Sockets (onboard) Molex0537800470 or compatible parts are: AdamTech125SH-G-04-TR-SMT-T / R
    Plug: Molex0511460400 + Pin Molex0506418041
    Or compatible parts are: AdamTech125CH-G-04 + Pin AdamTech125CTG-B-G-R

    After firmware 2.70 + UART2 was moved to an additional pin, it became UART_opt in the hardware design. Therefore, you must enable UART2 in the GUI to use this connector.