Serial-over-Network (UDP) connection
  • Hi,

    I have a question to the UDP connection. In the 2.55b3 PDF I found the sentence: "The list of supported devices and detailed instructions will be published on the our web site.", but I can't found something here on the website. Can someone help me with the link to it?
  • Hi,

    Currently, only one project supports UDP-to-SBGC32 connection: Virt2Real http://http://virt2real.com/. But there is still no detailed instructions how to connect SimpleBGC32 controller to it.

    For other project, usage of UDP is pretty straightformward: both sides send binary packed (as described in Serial API) command in single UDP message.
  • Ok, thanks for the answer. So it is possible to use an ESP8266 with your GUI, when it is setup correctly? I think this information how to do it is also interesting for others, so it would be great if someone test it and explain how to setup correctly.

    I can't understand what the virt2real guys are doing there, because I don't speak their language.