• It's my first time trying to calibrate using SimpleBGC Gui and the connection pop-up is blank.
    I downloaded the 2.50b2 version and tried too the 2.40b8. Both the connection options are blank.
    I tried to update Java, download the drives, but it continues to show blank.
    I don't know what have to do.
    Please, I need help.

    Best Regards
  • Use same GUI and FW version
  • Та же проблема. Все работало а теперь на двух компьютерах ошибка при попытке обновления. Плата работает, только обновить не могу. Причем 2 платы ошибку выдают.
  • I had the same problem until I downloaded the driver for board. The first paragraph of manual says:
    To connect the main controller board equipped with an FTDI interface to a PC you will need a USB-to-serial converter and a suitable software driver. For board versions with integrated USB interface you will need a miniUSB cable. For a USB connection you'll need to install the appropriate software driver. Depending on your controller, the FTDI chip driver might be http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm, or for the CP2102 chip use http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/pages/usbtouartbridgevcpdrivers.aspx. In both cases, after you install the driver and connecting the board, a new virtual COM port will be created. You will need to choose this COM port in the SimleBGC software (GUI) to initiate the connection.

    I didn't get the Com window to populate until I did the above. Hope that helped.
  • I should state that was for the 8 bit board 2.2b2 but I imagine they all work the same since it's the Windows side of the equation that is giving you problems.