Joystick problem
  • Hi everyone.
    Should I ask for help, i try, i use Google translate.
    I have an 8-bit 3axis alexmos 2.4, the latest version, which I'm trying to connect a joystick. Happens to me that if I connect a joystick of those simple, no chips or anything, just turn on the gimbal automatically pulls to the left and the pitch goes up. If I connect a joystick with the chip all work but I have a continuous motion, or if just touch the joystick right the gimbal will go to the right without stopping, and so the same goes for the pitch, thus becoming almost impossible to use, only stops giving other taps in the opposite direction. Have you any suggestions? I'd be grateful
  • You must calibrate the joystick. if I remember correctly Advanced tab on 8 bit GUI.
  • Do you mean in Rc setting? I set pitch-analog and roll-analog, it's right. If i use a radio and a receiver all work correctly.
  • Yeah, try the calibrate.
  • I solved, the joysatick was defective. thanks