does not work simplebgc 32 bit board
  • I have a 32-bit simplebgc,
    8-bit gui accidentally saved settings. now does not work
    I tried to install recovery firmware. but did not work.
    Is there a method to recover
    sorry bad english. Thank you in advance for your help.
  • Did you follow the recovery FW procedure in the user manual?

    Normally I think using wrong GUI should not make it necessary to use recovery FW? maybe Erase EEPROM would help.
  • Yes i applied recovery procedure in the user manual;

    but board not connect gui
    and LEDs on does not work
  • So you used the flash pin?

    If you have done the recovery correctly and the board is not reacting, I do not know what else it can be than broken.

    I have though hard time believing that using wrong GUI would cause it. something else must have happened. Did you try to update the 8 bit FW? Is the board legitimate BasecamBoard. Non legitimate boards will be bricked if updating them with BaseCam FW.
  • yes used flash pin; but LED does not light up
    board original DYS basecam 32 bit
    not try to update 8 bit FW
    use 32-bit gui but old 8-bit profile file write

  • If the flash procedure does not work, if the LED do not come on, it is broken. I would measure couple of things with multimeter to see if the board gets over etc. maybe the USB connector has been disconnected from the board etc....
  • I got the same problem. No led, no power.

    Multimeter gives power on every pin where there suppose to be power.
  • What FW/GUI are you using? Do you get GUI connected via USB?