Need help installing on mac using terminal.
  • Hello everyone,

    I am new to using terminal and i cant seem to wrap my head around the instructions giving with the 32-bit folder.
    If someone could tell me step by step where to type the given commands and how to work terminal it would be great.

    Thank you.
  • To what instructions you are referring to, there should not be any need to use terminal, just the GUI.
  • "MAC OS users: GUI uses a serial communication, that needs to create a lock file.
    To allow it, you should to do the following steps:
    1. Start terminal (navigate to /Applications/Utilities and double click on Terminal)
    2. Make folder "/var/lock" by command: sudo mkdir /var/lock
    3. Change permissions by command: sudo chmod 777 /var/lock
    4. Allow to run non-signed applications in System Preferences > Security & Privacy >
    General > Allow Applications downloaded from: Anywhere (see http://d.pr/i/9fAm )"

    I am not sure how to complete Step 2 and Step 3 on my mac.

    Thank you for the reply.
  • I am not sure if I even did that, but maybe I did...

    Anyway, you just give the mentioned commands on terminal (copy/paste) sudo mkdir /var/lock and then sudo chmod 777 /var/lock

    4. I have not allowed applications to be downloaded anywhere, but I give the allowance for the base cam application, more secure that way.