• comment enregistrer 2 ou 3 profils sur la carte
    lorsque l'on sauve, la carte n’apparaît pas dans la liste des endroits ou l'on peut mettre ces fichiers profils
    comment brancher ( cablage )le bouton 3 positions pour lui affecter le choix des profils
  • 1 / how to save 2 or 3 profiles on the map
    2 / when trying to save a profile, there is no map in the proposed destination of choice for this profile file
    3 / how cabler (map) switch 3 positions to assign the choice of profiles
  • The profile is selected on right up corner, select the profile you want and do the settings. When you press WRITE the settings are saved to this profile.

    You can also save and load the profiles to/from disk, just give a name you want to use.

    To select profiles with menu button, assign first the menu button functionality i.e how many times the menu button needs to be pressed to select a assigned profile (do this on the service tab.)

    Some boards have a menu button on board and there should be connections on board labeled BTN or something similar to connect an external button.
  • thank you for the answer, but we do not understand is
    1 / I wonder how put on the card 2 or 3 different profiles (not the PC)
    as the destination of the basecam card is not proposed to save the selected profile
    2 / there is a plug BTN ok, but with 2 son, how to give 3 orders
  • The profile is saved on the board simply by pressing WRITE. first select the profile to what you want to save from the right up corner and then press WRITE.

    If you want to read a profile from the card, select first the profile you want to read and press READ.

    Selecting the profiles loaded on card is done first assigning the profiles on Service tab: 1 Click, 2 Click ... and during operation they are selected by clicking the button 1, 2, ... times.
  • thank you for your reply, I test and will give the result
    otherwise, the roll regardless of the setting, the pid and engine power, it is stable if I do not move, but as soon as I rolled to the roll axis, then it vibrates as p is the 10 i of 0.01 to 3 and? and the power of 120 to 220 that did the same thing, which way I have to do the search for solution
    I have the same thing with P between 8 and 15 and with I between 0.01 and 0.05 and between D 2 and 10?, there must be something I did not understand.

    merci pour ta réponse, je test et j'en donnerai le résultat
    autre chose, sur le roll quelque soit le réglage, des pid et de la puissance moteur, il est stable si je ne bouge pas, mais dés que j'incline sur l'axe roll, il vibre alors que le p est a 10 le i à 0.01 et le d à 3 ? et la puissance de 120 à 220 cela fait la meme chose, dans quel sens je dois faire la recherche de la solution
    j'ai la meme chose avec du P entre 8 et 15 et avec le I entre 0.01 et 0.05 et le D entre 2 et 10 ?, il doit y avoir quelque chose que je n'ai pas compris.