High torque motors
  • Hello,

    I am going to build some gimbal for heavy load camera. I would like to use BaseCamBGC Pro driver, and some direct drive motors like this:

    Do you think that it is a good choice? Do you have any advices?

    Best regards,
  • They look like high quality motors, and it looks like they are 3 phase motors around 10 ohms per phase if I read the data correctly.

    10 ohms is ok, unless you really want to get the best power out from Pro Board. at 10 ohms Pro board can provide only 2.5 A as the maximum voltage is 25 V, to get full power, the resistance should be lower.

    On the motor specifications they speak about really hi voltages though, I do not understand that.

    I assume these are pretty expensive motors, they are also heavy. I do not find how many poles they have. Difficult to say how smooth these motors will run.

    I would contact the motor manufacturer and tell about your application.

    Ps. I have some pretty big gimbals too with Pro Board http://www.levitezer.com you can find my contact information under contact (Kim)