YAW target constantly moving.
  • The little red dot on my YAW is moving back and forth 15 degrees or so and resetting. Everything looks good when I calibrate, but as soon as I write the settings it starts it's little dance.

    8-bit board, 2.40 b7.

    Any help would be amazing. My skill level is currently at noob.
  • Hello,
    Check balance of YAW, and try better tune PIDs for YAW axis.
  • Thanks for the response. Do you mean the physical balance of the YAW, or balance of settings?

    What are the typical PID settings so I have somewhere to start? It is a basic rig. The camera is balanced very well I think. Sony FS100. Lighter than my 5D with lens, but the balance point is more in the centre than the bottom.

    Should I just start at P 1, D1, then dry P2, D2 and so on?
  • Hello,
    Physical balance.
    There are many user's methods how tune PIDs, like this: