please help
  • hi guys
    i am new to gimbal controller ,i used SimpleBGC 32-bit , my gimbal frame is limited in yaw and pitch , i try to do limitation in the two axis but i can not , i know that i can do limit in pitch when i use Rc control but i can not do for yaw(and this limitation are not working when i move he gimbal by hand), i try to use follow mode ,but i found it not good.

    another thing i need for my project to read real time angle of yaw and pitch (for imu),i read spi example but they do not put example for reading.

    plz help me
  • is there not anyone here to help?
  • You need an encoder gimbal to put absolute limits. Why is follow mode not working?
  • thank you Garug
    i try follow mode ,when i move gimbla more quickly ,my camera looses follow limits and hit the gimbal's frame ,i try to change the speed in follow mode ,but the same problem stills ,

    another thing what about my second question"
    " i need for my project to read real time angle of yaw and pitch (for imu),i read spi example but they do not put example for reading."
  • Maybe you Yaw motor is not string enough, it is faulty, or the inverted status has not been set correctly. (only set the inverted with the Auto and manually correct poles.)

    You can also try limiting acceleration and follow expo. Also when making video, you normally do not need to move that fast. Fast movements require strong motors.

    The only way to get yaw readings that can be referenced to anything is with encoders. otherwise the gyro drift will affect yaw.

    It would be good to have a read example on serial api.