• I would like to feed position data into gimbal controller using two channels as hsb and lsb for very fine control. Is this currently possible. Rc inputs only have 1000 counts or 1000us to 1950us.
  • For as fine as possible control I would recommend using the serial protocol.

    On speed mode very accurate control is possible using slow speed.

    What kind of control are you thinking of? repeatable and accurate angular control?
  • I wojld like to make a very fine control input using something other than a stick. I have arduino connected to trainer port on radio so i have combined two analog channels to get double resolution. Which i need for yaw with repeated revolutions.

    Is this possible?
  • Using SBUS would be the best option if radio link is needed. it provides 2048 levels in one channel.

    Usually the sliders on side of the transmitter or knobs have something like 32 clicks... for really accurate operation it would be good to have a multi rotation potentiometer on transmitter without clicks.

    The most accurate interface to use for the BaseCam board would be the serial interface. So if you want to use two channels, maybe building a two cannel to BaseCam serial converter would be a solution.

  • I basically want to control pan/yaw and tilt with more than 1024 steps. If each step was .1 degrees that would only be arou d 100 degrees. I would want a few rotations of yaw. If i linked two channels one is fine and the other is course control will allow much more range.

    I need to be able to do this over an rc link. So two servo signals for pan and two servo signals for tilt.
  • Gyro will in my experience drift 0 to 15 degrees in 15 minutes http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=29641128&postcount=1324

    So 0.1 degree control is somewhat pointless unless the drifting problem is fixed also. using an absolute reference solves the drifting problem http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2243241 but for 2 rotations this would probably not provide the accuracy you are after.

    To use two RC channels for the control you could build an 2 SBUS channel to Basecam Serial converter. That would work (I have not verified does the Serial allow 0.1 degree control, but if it does not, then it is not possible.)

    You could also try FC mixing to mix two inputs, but I do not think that would work.
  • I dont have any drifting problems like that on mysetup. Iammore interested in basecam developers answering my question.
  • Ok i would like to put optical encoder on yaw with an index flag to help alignment.