Roll and Yaw vibrate at 45°
  • You most probanly will need FW 2.4 and estimate frame angles from motors enabled.
  • So I upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4 and it's the same, my gimbal shake when I go to 90° around pitch.

    When I turn off PID roll an yaw motor I can do whaterver I want with the gimbal around Pitch,

    When I set PID of roll only, it's working well but roll vibrate at almost 90°. And the same with Yaw.

    Watch this result at 13s :

    How can I do for this????

    Thanks everyone
  • No advice for this issue?
  • Actually I think I'm at the limit capacity for the v2 8 bit board, to have this result I'm pretty sure I have to try with the v3 32 bit board and its frame IMU under the Yaw axis.

    The v2 8 bit board can't do that.

    We keep in touch when its done.
  • You need to enable the estimate frame angles from motors.
  • Hi Garug,

    On my first post upstairs, which parameter do I have to set?

    Because I've tried everything.

  • First you need to update to 2.4
  • I did.

    So now?

  • On Follow mode tab activate 'estimate frame angles from motors'
  • Ok and that's it?
  • Well, you need to have solid and accurately build mechanical construction and well tuned controller, but yes, that should do it.

    32 bit board and second IMU improves it even further.
  • It didn't work. I will buy the 32bit
  • This is with 8 bit

    So 8 bit works pretty much in any position. 32 bit board brings some improvements, but I do not think it will solve the problem if it is not working with 8 bit.

  • Ok I bought the 32bit and it's not shaking anymore when the frame is horizontal.