How to wiring to change profile
  • I have an 8bits controller 3 axis.

    I would like to change the profile with a 3 way switch.

    In the controller I used RX_Roll and RX_Pitch connection.

    On the controller, what place should I connect the wire to control it with a 3 ways switch?

    In the GUI in the Tabs RC Settings, what I must assign and what input to choose?

    Here is my controller

  • I assume you want to conner your transmitter 3 way switch, i.e. connecting the corresponding receiver channel to board (PWM)

    You can connect to any of the FC_ROLL, FC_PITCH, RX_ROLL or RX_PITCH. Just assign on the GUI accordingly.

    So if you connect to RX_ROLL, then on GUI RC input mapping select CMD = RC_ROLL_PWM ( I assume, if that does not work try EXT_ROLL_PWM, sad that the GUI and board labelling is not consistent)

    After set the 3 actions under Command assignment as you like.

    Black servo wire goes to GND and red to +5V and white to the unlabelled pin
  • I think he wants to switch the profile using a 3 way switch. The usual way we do that is with what Garug mentioned. Using a RC transmitter with receiver.

    What the CMD detect is the voltage so a switch will not work. You can try a rheostat switch.
  • Ok I figure how to connect it.

    Now it work fine.

    Thanks for your help.