Problems with Yaw
  • Hello everyone.
    Im using a Arris CM3000 3axis Gimbal. First time everything was great until i used a new receiver... First problem was, that the gimbal driftet away in every axis. Found a solution for that (video)
    Next problem is my yaw axis. Watch my video. Hope anyone knows a answer.. :(
    Thank you guys!
    Sorry for my bad english :(

  • Interesting video, at least for me.

    So, your problem is that you are now using another radio?

    Then you should make sure that the radio configuration is correct, and the SimpleBGC tuning is as well... Just check everything you can think that could be the problem, don't be afraid of messing with the configuration of SimpleBGC (just write down everything before)!

    I don't know what more to suggest.
  • I would increase Yaw D setting if your P setting is not very high...... till stops buzzing... then decrease a little bit P.... and D also, for the same amount..
    I did that on Yaw and now is fixed... after that re-do the AUTO trim... Yaw kept moving a little bit then I decrease it in the AUTO settings 2 points more and it stopped... now everything is not moving... I still have the problem that pitching down affects the other axis a little bit... but enough to see it...