Firmware for 3rd axis extension board (Atmega328/L6205).
  • I have recently bought Alexmos' 2 axis gimbal board and 3rd axis
    extension board, both boards are based on Atmega328/L6205.
    I am going to upgrade firmware. Your site
    (http://www.basecamelectronics.com/downloads) only provides firmware
    SimpleBGC_XXX.enc.hex. Is applicable for both boards?
    Otherwise, which firmware version should I use for 3rd axis extension

  • FW is for both boards. You have to activate 3rd axis board in GUI.
  • Thank you, Mike!
  • Mike,
    I flashed the main 2 axis board and extension board using the same firmware SimpleBGC_2_40b6.enc.hex. I set the 2 axis board up for roll and pitch, it works fine.

    Now I am going to configure 3rd axis. I connected the USB/FTDI adapter to the 2 axis board and set Advanced/YAW to YAW ext.board. Is it sufficient to establish the master-slave link? Should I somehow configure the extension board as a slave? Or should I leave all its settings in the default state?
    Third axis behaves odd and I want to check my setup step-by-step.