motor makes noise with higher D/pitch shakes
  • hi,
    I have a real trouble getting pitch to work.
    1. When I increase D (past 8) the motor starts to vibrate/resonate making a noise. Is this the high frequency oscillation that manual is talking about? I can observe 3 different oscillations. One is like 80 degrees, gimbal is rotating widely. I assumed this was the low frequency. Then I get shakes of about 1-2 degrees which I was assuming to be the high frequency oscillations but maybe I'm wrong?

    2. I can get the gimbal fairly stable but once I start moving it around my pitch gets very shaky and I have to stop it with my hand. What does it indicate? too much power? not enough power?

    motors 5010
    latest firmware 2.4
    ROLL PID 30 0.03 18 POWER 180
    PITCH PID 5 0.04 2 POWER 240
    camera around 800g

    I have to use very low I values. Those values are on the upper limits. Also I noticed that the gimbal may behave a bit differently once the USB cable is disconnected (pitch motor may start vibrate and emit noise).

    One more thing. It seems there is problem with saving preset values in the latest GUI. I have been saving incremental changes while I was tweaking the values and all files have exact same content. Now I have to write all number on a piece of paper and I lost a fair bit of settings that worked.

    Appreciate any tips. After a week of tinkering I'm ready to start over. No real success so far.
  • PITCH POWER DOWN TO 150 P-8-10 AND D AROUND 40 I-0.03
    ROLL POWER DOWN TO 200 P-15 AND D AROUND 40 I- 0.03
  • thanks kikojiu!! i will try that. I remember that with higher D on roll (which is perfectly stable now) I get gimbal going completely crazy but I need to test it again once I get back home.
    is the noise from the motor normal?
    is that the high frequency vibration?
  • When you have too high values on PID always has that problem. Low frequency P , High frequency D
  • thanks. in my case camera with the lens is longer than it is wide. So as far as I understand the setup my PITCH has to work harder (inertia) than ROLL. that's why I had higher settings for it. Your suggestion is the opposite.
  • But if you look how much inertia there is for Roll I bet it is more than for Pitch. Camera is wide, Pitch motor is far from the centre + Roll frame.

    The vibrations might be also partially because of how you have attached the gimbal, there might be flex and echoes from the installation. If you will be using it handheld, better set the PID values also when operating the gimbal handheld.
  • @Garug that's a good call. I will suspend it on some rubber bands to simulate having it hand held. I noticed it behaves differently when it is rigiditly attached vs hand held. I'm starting over tonight with a bit better understanding of what I'm doing. thank you!