Boot Profile Not Last one used and not #1 ?
  • I was thinking that if I programmed profile 1 with a setting I like for startup, I could load that profile when I am done, shut down the board and that same profile would load the next time I start.

    But I discovered that Profile 2 loads at power up even when I shut off in Profile 1. I did not test everything, but I found this - Load Profile 1. Shut down power. Turn power back on. Profile 2 is active (I know because I have Profile 2 as Follow Mode, Profile 1 is Joystick Mode).

    I did not try shutting down in Profile 3 to see if it matters or if profile 2 ALWAYS loads on boot.
  • Updated firmware and now I think it's working OK..weird when I tested it before it was defaulting to profile 2. But today it's working right.
  • I'm not crazy, happened again. It has to do with software USB connection. If I connect and work on Profile 2, then disconnect and power down, and power up, it's in Profile 2. If I then change to profile 1 with the button and power down. Then power up, it's in PROFILE 2!!! so there is some issue. Still trying to sort it out. It doesn't always start up in the last profile loaded.
  • HAHA, so I set the follow mode at profile 2 that commonly used. ^^
  • With me always as worked right. I switch off on a profile, on the GUI disconnect reboot and whenit starts starts on the last profile saved. dom´t forget to press WRITE before you disconnect.
  • OK I understand the logic. The startup profile WILL be the last one you WRITE from SimpleBGC. So if you want to always start in Profile 1, Write that just before disconnect. I tested this and it works. Try it.