Simple BGC with Mac
  • Hey Guys,

    Im having a bit of trouble getting my mac to see the controller with the Simple BGC software. Im running a CM2000 with at Phantom & using v.2 software. I have done (ithink) the terminal corrections that were specified in the set up but... how do i know that worked?

    Sorry not much of a programmer just fumble my way through usually.

    Many thanks
  • I have the same problem, but nobody helps!
  • Hi.
    Maybe you just need to install the Silabs USB drivers needed for the mac to see the controller.

    More info here:
  • I have a mac but gave up, instead I bought a used $89 Thinkpad on Ebay. Now everything is working great. Not an answer but perhaps a small solution.
  • Same problem here.

    I installed Silabs, FTDI and follow the recommended steps in Terminal to make folder, change permissions and allow to run non-signed apps in System Preferences… SimpleBGC software looks running good, but the COM port doesn't appear…

    Any solution apart of buying a PC?

  • I make it work!!!

    I connected the board to a PC, and upgrade the firmware to 2.40 …no problem at all… 5 min!!! Then I connected the board to my mac but no COM Port appear, instead I have selected one called "/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART" …I don't know if that can be a problem… but the thing is everything is responding when I move the sensor...
  • it works fine. Just double click on GUI.jar. That is the mac version
  • It may work fine for you, but I have 244b9 that will not work. The gui. jar fails