Beholder DS1 role is not working (5D Mark II with 35mm 2.0)
  • Hi everyone,

    I'm new to this whole gimbal thing and hope I can find some solution to my problem. The Gimbal is balanced perfectly.
    Yaw and Pitch seem to work perfectly. But I'm having big troubles with the "Role".

    How can I test easily, if the roll motor is working anyway?
    At the TAB RC I switch the Input Mapping from
    ROLL -> "No Input" to "RC_VIRT_CH2"
    PITCH -> "RC_VIRT_CH2" to "No Input"

    In my oppinion now if I use the joystick should roll, but instead it don't do anything.

    Anyone any idea how I can test the roll motor if it is working proberly?

    Thanks a lot!
