Simple BCG 32Bit - Cannot upload recovery firmware, flashing red light.
  • Hey all!

    I have a 32 bit controller whose controller board appears to be dead. I have attempted the recovery flash procedure with the same GUI version as the board reported before it died, but but have made no progress. The red light on the board flashes constantly when connected to the PC both before and after the recovery flash procedure.

    Initially it was fine connected to the PC and communicating with SimpleBGC_GUI_2_43b5, however after some PID adjustments it lost connection and now I cannot reconnect, I see the error "Serial data corrupted" when I try to connect (COM3 virtual USB-Serial interface, no bluetooth)

    I have tried the firmware recovery with SimpleBGC_GUI_2_43b5 (Which the board reported before it stopped working) and SimpleBGC_GUI_2_43b6 (The one currently available on the site) and neither has been successful, following the instructions of shorting the FLASH pins before connecting the USB cable, then using the manual flash option in the GUI.

    When attempting the manual flash, the software reports "Failed to upload: Error writing firmware: [1] Unable to program FLASH memory.

    The firmware flash details page reports:

    Writing firmware...
    Writing firmware...
    Found bootloader version: 3.1
    Chip ID: 0422
    Starting Extended Erase of FLASH memory. This will take some time ... Please be patient ...
    Extended Erased FLASH memory.
    Unable to program FLASH memory.
    Programming flash ...
    Process finished.

    Is there anything else I can try, or is the board dead? The COM Baud is 9600 and I have tried several different cables, connected directly to my PC's USB2 port (No hub, no USB3, I'm running Windows 8.1 64bit).

    Any help gratefully received, considering it was talking to the GUI yesterday, I'm somewhat baffled.
  • Update:
    When attempting to use the HEX file instead of the BIN file, I get slightly different output:

    Writing firmware...
    Writing firmware...
    Opening Port [OK]
    Activating device [OK]

    ERASING ...
    erasing all pages [OK]


    downloading page 0 @0x 8000000 size 2.00(KB) [OK]
    downloading page 1 @0x 8000800 size 2.00(KB) [OK]
    downloading page 2 @0x 8001000 size 2.00(KB) [KO]
    The flash may be read protected; use -p --drp to disable write protection. [KO]
    Process finished.

    Now, I'd love to use -p --drp to disable write protection, but I don't know if/how that is possible through the GUI. Anyone got any suggestions ?
  • Update:
    Another attempt yeilded the following:

    Writing firmware...
    Writing firmware...
    Unable to extended erase chip
    Found bootloader version: 3.1
    Chip ID: 0422
    Starting Extended Erase of FLASH memory. This will take some time ... Please be patient ...
    Process finished.

    I'm now completely stumped.