Manual upgrade 0.00 b0
  • Pls help....

    I didn't even use SBGC v3.0 with camera : /

    1. I connected, it was working, but I saw new firmware so I decided to upgrade.
    2. I was trying to make upgrade Automatic, but it wasn't working. So I decided to make it manual, but I forgot to make Flash jumper :((
    3. Then when I connect it showd 0.00 b0 and nothing is possible to do. I was trying to upgrade with many versions, but nothing work - every time the same device sn: 00000000000000. The red led is lighting constly and green is lighting fast and it beeps.

    Is there any way to clear it and make all new? Please help me - I was waiting so long for chance to fly and now this :/
  • Help me please...
  • Is that a legitimate board? if not...

    if yes, try the recovery flash, follow exactly the instructions.

    You can also try to press the button 10 times, that should set the board to factory defaults.

    When you get board connected I would suggest erasing EEPROM and seeing everything up again.
  • I don't know which board I have - there is SBGC v3.0 Powered by BaseCam.

    I did all you wrote :/
  • You should contact the board seller. It seems the board is either broken or a fake board that is not supported by Basecam FW.