IC2 Errors
  • Hello,

    I have got my gimbal built and balanced but when I plug it in to the Software and start tuning it says I have IC2 errors. Not just one or two, it goes upward of 100.
    I looked on forums videos and websites to try to solve this but I couldn't find anything to help with it. Also my camera is perfectly balanced but when the battery gets plugged in it freaks out. The pitch will flip backwards, and the whole thing will freak out. I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this or what is broken on it. Is it fixable?

    The software also doesn't react or show when I move the camera manually like it does in videos I have seen
  • I think there is many issues with your gimbal.

    The first one is to get rid of I2C errors. It is a common problem and there is plenty of posts about that. In short, keep the I2C cables short :-) and separated from other cables. Use ferrite rings is need.

    The second one is make sure mechanics are ok, carefully perform the basic setup and tuning, and it will be ok.