One day I will will tell my sons: I nearly tunned an alexmos board..
  • Hi there,
    I´m having a real hard time tunning my gimbal, it has a DYS alexmos 32 bit with 2.50 version and Ipower Gbm 150t motors, I m using a Sony cx 730 and I´m getting roll jitters. I ve tried Hi power low PIDS, Lower power with higher PIDS and it s always the same, as soonm as I start moving roll jitters :/ Got a shoot tomorrow at noon and its 22.00hr here, can t sleep with this s***t.
    Any Ideas or magic spells?
    Many thanks
  • Hello,
    Possible something wrong with a balance of ROLL axis. Check balance. And try autotune only for ROLL by start from zero values.
    If this will not help you, try to change PWM frequency: http://ybex.com/d/ayl2ii4fz8lh6fxddilp2lfc8l19bmsqhgx6tok1.html

    May be, this video can help you: