Pitch doesn't follow flight controller in "Follow Flight Controller" mode. Only roll does.
  • I have a 2D gimbal using an 8 bit controller with firmware 2.40b7 and GUI 2.40b7, and I'm using "Follow Flight Controller" mode.
    Roll follows my frame perfectly, but pitch doesn't: the camera just points forward no matter what.

    Link to the controller I'm using:

    I have my Pixhawk's gimbal roll connected to FC roll pin and gimbal pitch connected to FC pitch pin. I've also confirmed that they're working by temporarily connecting servos to them to see that they move as expected when the frame's orientation changes.

    In the "Realtime Data" tab, the EXT_FC_PITCH field remains empty, but EXT_FC_ROLL shows the expected values associated with the frame's roll orientation.

    In the RC tab, Input Mapping, I have:
    RC_ROLL pin mode == Normal
    CMD == RC_ROLL - PWM

    In the RC tab, Mix Channels, I have:
    FC_ROLL == ROLL 100%
    FC_PITCH == PITCH 100%

    In the RC tab, RC Control, I have ROLL angles set to 60 to -60 and PITCH angles set to 90 to -90.

    Could you please help to get pitch to follow the frame too? Thanks