Notch filter gain values in the latest firmware(2.43b9) resting to zero
  • Hello,
    I didn't try this feature before the upgrade but I notice that when I set the notch filter gain values and click "read" or reset my v3 32bit board that the gain value resets to 0. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

    Ihab Ali
  • Is no one using notch filters?? I can't be the only one seeing this unless the problem is board related...
  • That is not normal check that your FW and GUI are same version.
  • Yes they are, 2.43b9

  • when i set the notch filter, the gain value not change. I have 32 bit with 2.43b9.
    my problem is to define precisely the value of HZ in monitoring tab. the value changes abruptly, and it is never fixed. so I try various values in random mode. Is there a video tutorial that explains how to define the values of HZ (monitoring tab) and then the notch filter? I saw the video of garug, but the values are already defined.
  • I am not sure I understand. There is few Hz steps the values can be set, but other than that just set the values to closest available and activate the filter and click Write.