Upgraded to v2.43 b9 now Board doesn"t respond - Serial data corrupted - Help Please
  • Hoping someone can help me with this. I upgraded from v2.3 to v2.43. Using 32bit board. (at least that what I was told it was. Are there any identifying marks.) I used the manual upgrade via usb port. New firmware wrote to board successfully! Now I can't connect to board and board is not responded at all. GUI says Serial data corrupted.

    After many times trying to connect and get board to respond(Also connect battery to board and nothing.)
    I tried to flash firmware again with Simplebgc_32bit_recovery.hex and it says
    (failed to upload: error writing firmware: Flash tool execution failed (1)!
    Details are:
    Writing firmware,
    Opening Port - OK
    Activating device - KO
    No response from the target, the boot loader can not be started
    Please verify the boot mode configuration, reset your device then try again
    Process finished
    Error upgrading firmware: Error writing firmware: Flash tool execution failed (1)!

    Can someone give me some direction on what to do next.