Frame IMU not recognized by main board.
  • I have a 32bit V3.02 board with the second IMU port on the bottom of the main board. I am able to calibrate the Camera IMU but the main board does not see the Frame IMU. I have cut the jumper in the second IMU if I connect it to the board on it's own the main board sees it and I am able to calibrate it but when both are connected the main board does not see it. I have check to see if the jumper has been cut with a meter and it has. What am I doing wrong?
  • I am confused, how many IMUs do you use. If the Main board IMU is the frame IMU. Just connect Camera IMU. The IMU as it arrived is normally configured for camera.
  • I have 2 IMUs Camera and Frame and I found the problem. The Frame IMU has to activated under the advanced tap and written to board.