YAW does not move!! --- DYS smart3 GoPro Gimbal
  • Hello,

    I get a problem with the YAW axis of my DYS smart3 GoPro Gimbal (firmware: 2.40 b7). It does not move "sometime".

    Sometime after the gimbal is power-up, the YAW, PITCH and ROLL all lock into their own position.

    Sometime after the gimbal is power-up, only the PITCH and ROLL lock into their position. The YAW motor does not move. It seems that the YAW motor does not get any power at all. I can spin the YAW motor freely by hand without any "friction".

    If YAW does not move after power-up, sometime I can "wake it up" by spinning the YAW motor fast enough. It will suddenly stop my spinning and lock itself into a nearest position.

    But now I have no way to wake it up ... The YAW motor does not move at all no mater how I spin the YAW axis.

    I did the following but does not work - YAW axis still does not move

    - Turn motors off and on using GUI -> not work
    - Reset controller by CMD channel -> Reset always kills the YAW! YAW axis always become dead after reset. Sometime a fast spinning by hand can wake it up.
    - Power off the copter/gimbal and power on again -> not work
    - confirm Advanced::Motor outputs::YAW = "YAW ext. board" in GUI -> confirmed and still not work
    - Set Basic::Motor Configuration::YAW POWER to some higher value -> tried 50, 100, 130, 200 but none of them work.
    - Power on the gimbal and wait for a longer time -> already waited for 20mins and the YAW still does not wake up
    - Set a higher P and I values for YAW axis -> when YAW is active, P=5 is large enough to oscillate where I=0.01 and D=0. Now P=10,I=0,D=0 and YAW does not move at all.

    I have no idea why the YAW "sometime" work "sometime" does not work. And it happens to be dead at the time of this writing ....

    Following is a video showing my problem. The YAW axis seems dead.

    Can you help me out with this problem ...?

    Thank you very much,