Pitch vibrates when rolled past 40°
  • Hi all, I'm using a gimbal with single axis (pitch or tilt) on a fixed wing aeroplane. The controller is a 8 bit 2 axis one from Foxtech using v2.40b7. The PID's are fairly well tuned and it is working fine... except when the plane banks past 40° then the tilt starts to vibrate.

    PID's here: http://i59.tinypic.com/313sln6.gif
    The vibrations here: http://i61.tinypic.com/2m4t736.gif

    Any solution or suggestions for this?
  • 40 degree bank is really a lot, I would simply avoid it.

    You could try to activate estimate angles from motors. that should help.
  • I normally try avoid the steep angles but with the autopilot doing the flying and in a tight loiter then it will go to max - 35° in this case but even at 35° it starts to vibrate.

    I have tried the estimate angles checkbox but as I have Follow Mode disabled it doesn't appear to do anything