Slow drift of frame IMU after fast movement
  • Hi there,
    I'm having little trouble with the frame IMU of the 32bit SimpleBGC board.
    Looking on the actual attitude (position) of the frame IMU in the software (grey number in circle) I see some strange drift after fast movements. When I place the IMU in reference position (mounted in a cube) after fast movements I see always an only almost correct position with 1-2° offset which then reduces slowly over some 20s. The Cam IMU does not show this behaviour. Using a different IMU as frame IMU gives me the same results. Gyro trust is set to 110, however it doesn't affect my observation of slow drift towards zero deflection. The frame IMU is mounted below YAW.
    Is that typical behaviour of SimpleBGC? I believe that this behaviour is the reason for the little deflection of the horizon when pushing the copter forwards or sidewards.
    I'm using latest firmware and software as of today. I did 6 step calibration for both IMU's.

  • I'm not getting that drift so I don't think it's normal. Try to reduce your gyro trust, mine is at 70.