Помогите подключить Joystick Simple Rocker V1.2 (how to connect)
  • Здравствуйте, купил на Ebay джойстик Simple Rocker v1.2 Всё бы ничего, но не как не могу его подключить и настроить. Прошу помощи, кто разбирается в этом.
    Вот мой контроллер:
    Вот как выглядит джойстик:
    Есть даже схема какая то, для подключения, вот:
    Я даже нашёл мануал по настройке джойстика: https://yadi.sk/i/cAbz-1fiWsgfv Но и в нём не смог разобраться.
    Я пробовал подключить джойстик к контактам на контроллере GND +5V TX RX (те что над контактами BTN), но не смог сделать настройки во вкладке "Пульт RC"
    Так как не знаю что и где нужно выбрать. В мануале на сайте этой информации нет. Пробовал наугад менять все значения. эти действия не дали нужного результата. Прошу помочь в подключении джойстика.
  • If you use the serial protocol, you need to connect the (receive) R to (Transmit) TX and T to RX. (But the Rocker v1.2 manual says T to T and R to R ??? I am not sure how they have labeled the board, but normally on serial line you need to connect transmit to receive line)

    It also seems the baud rate of this joystick is 9600. You need to set it on GUI. It also says (need BGC2.3 firmware), but I guess it should work with 2.4 b7 FW

    Maybe the PWM connection would work better.

    Ps. a simple analog Joystick works great, is easy to connect and leaves the serial port free for Bluetooth.
  • I try to connect like this:
    The baud rate of 9600, but now the problem is, I do not know what to choose in the settings. Prompt what should I choose in these settings?
  • Or tell me how to connect the joystick mode PWM? What wires to connect and which settings to choose in GUI?
  • The PROBLEM SOLVED ! =) I was able to plug in PWM mode. Here's how to connect the board need to:
    And here is how I set up GUI controller brushless motors:
    Maybe someone can help.
  • Great that you got it working I'm PWM mode.

    On serial mode the only needed GUI setting is the baud rate. The problem with serial mode might be that you have T connected to Tx, well that depends what T means, but if it means Joystick Transmit, then it should be connected to Alexmos Rx (receive).
  • Hi i have the same joysctick which is commented above. I was connected him to the alexmos desk via PWM mode. But as i try it it work but not so well. The move of camera is not intuitive. There is no chance make moves by a small steps - and the returning camera to the center (initiall) postion its not so easy. Please will the analog connection (which is not working here but my be) be more intuitive? Or is here some chance to connect some button to desk for returning the camera to the center position? Or do you have some tips for better tuning of gimbal? Thank you so much and thank you so much to "nokia series" for his tips!